Corona traffic light in Fuerteventura has been green for two weeks

Even now we have nice people in our surf courses in Fuerteventura
Relaxed beer on the beach after surfing

The incidence of new infections with the corona virus continues to fall. Fuerteventura has been on the lowest warning level for two weeks - the green light.

Hello surfer,

did last winter seem so long to you? I suspect for many it was the longest and bleakest winter in a long time. Not only that for months you could not visit any shops, restaurants, swimming pools etc. and sometimes you still cannot. There were also the very limited opportunities to go on vacation.

In addition, the winter, this year in large parts of Europe, has really brought the cold temperatures we used to be and even the beginning of May can hardly achieve the temperatures desired for a “happy month”.

There has been a lot of talk about the light at the end of the tunnel in recent months. I think almost everyone who has followed the news in the last few months to hope for some encouraging and positive news is not only annoyed by the pandemic but also by the recurring language and word images. In the end, the light at the end of the tunnel didn't look like a glimmer of hope, but rather like an approaching train.

But for a week now a kind of new positive trend has been recognizable and to stick with linguistic images, the light at the end of the tunnel is starting to shine a little brighter.

As in the rest of Europe, the number of newly infected with the corona virus is falling in the Canary Islands.

The incidence of new infections with the corona virus has been 10 in Fuerteventura for a week!

That is why the Canarian government has now downgraded Fuerteventura to the weakest corona warning level.
In the case of Fuerteventura, this is the green Corona warning light. Islands that have the green Corona warning light have the fewest restrictions compared to the other islands that have the yellow or red light.

In the case of Fuerteventura this now means:
The curfew now only applies from 00:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. At meetings and visits to restaurants, and of course in bars and cafes, a maximum of 10 people may come together. In restaurants, 10 people are again allowed to sit at the table outside, inside up to 6 people (at the table) or 4 at the counter.

When will the German travel warning finally be lifted?

This question is asked by holidaymakers who want to travel to Fuerteventura as well as locals, many of whom live from tourism.

From experience we can say that the positive trend of low incidences has to solidify so that, for example, the German Foreign Office withdraws a travel warning.

In contrast to the previous week, one can already say that the positive trend is solidifying and the numbers are even falling further.
In my estimation, given the continued positive trend towards even lower numbers of newly infected with the corona virus, one can hope with cautious optimism that the travel warning will be withdrawn in the course of the next week. Maybe not until the week after next.


The number of newly infected with the Corona Virus in Fuerteventura is as low as it was probably the last time in summer 2020. That is why there are now more relaxed rules on the number of people allowed at meetings and the opening times of restaurants, bars and cafes.
It is also becoming more and more likely that the travel warning will end soon.